Fair labour is key,
to break the cycle of exploitation
Who we are & what we do
For almost 10 years, glowbalact has been advocating for people coming out of exploitation and/or seeking to leave the sex industry.
Often, survivors face challenges in finding work due to incomplete education, a lack of formal work experience, and the impact of complex trauma. Securing employment is a crucial step toward breaking the cycle of exploitation.
They deserve better.
With KitePride, our social enterprise in Tel Aviv, we create jobs and individual support for those affected in Israel. We accompany and empower people who to unfold their full potential.
glowbalact in the Netherlands:
KitePride bags for Europe
Our aim is to distribute more KitePride bags in Europe. This is essential to maintain the jobs of the survivors in Tel Aviv in these difficult times - and even to expand the amount of job opportunities in the future.
We also aim to
- Collect kites from the large surfing community in the Netherlands.
- Raise awareness of exploitation in the sex industry in collaboration with partners in Amsterdam.
- Create more employment opportunities (a medium to long term goal).
To date, KitePride's main sales market has been the local market in Israel.
The effects of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East are clearly being felt in sales. The high customs costs of shipping from Israel are a significant barrier to expansion into the European market.
In order to secure and potentially expand our job opportunities for survivors of exploitation, it is vital for KitePride to expand European e-commerce with its own warehouse.
To kick-start glowbalact NL, we need an amount of CHF 80,000.
Your donations will go a long way towards maintaining and potentially expanding the employment opportunities at KitePride through the newly developed market.
This is crucial because KitePride provides employment opportunities for people who, due to trauma or their circumstances, find it difficult to enter or succeed in the mainstream labour market.
Thank you very much for your support in ensuring the continued existence of KitePride!
Hours of
Safe Rehabilitation
Unique KitePride
m² Up-cycled
Kitesurfing Kites, Yachtsails
and Parachutes
Global Kite Drop
Off Locations